ketu related business

Lets 1st understand what these planets represent on their own? Connect With WorldsBest Astrologers On Call & Know If You Have A Favourable Ketu In Your Kundli. In case you are also looking out for a suitable career to prepare for after your tenth grade, you can opt for, If you are also intrigued about your future and wish to know what career/course to choose from after your school, you can take the assistance of, Malayalam Peru Anusaricha Jathakam Porutham. In other words, it happens when the Moon obstructs Sun's vision on Earth. As books are one of the media of communication gives career options related to Library, writings, authorship, knowledge of literature and linguistics, publication, printing, stationery, documentation, and teaching. Examinations are carried out on the location of various planets in a persons horoscope, as they have a profound effect on ones life. (i) Clients Are Not Forced / Not Instructed / Not Ordered / Not Compelled Into Any Astrological Remedies That Is Thought To Be Appropriately Suited To Them Specifically & Particularly. Effects and Significance Of Ketu In Astrology A Planet Of Mystery: In Horoscope/ Kundli: Ketu, in other words, the south node. One can only spy if his internal motives are not known to others. The planets that show these fields are in chronological order of most important to least important. Career/ Profession/ Business According/ Related To Planets In Astrology, Effects and Significance Of Ketu In Astrology. Thank You so much for connecting with AstroSage. The event, which recorded a high turnout, diagnosed, and . Venus6. Hasta is known as the handyman of the nakshatra . Can be good teachers, writers, astrologers, psychic or tarot card readers. But when you club all rules with real time case studies will give more grip on it. Required fields are marked *. Effects and Significance Of Ketu In Astrology A Planet Of Mystery: In Horoscope/ Kundli: Ketu, in other words, the south node. Jupiter gives the knowledge of traditional scripture or religious knowledge but what Ketu gives that is full liberation, it helps to reach the ultimate truth. Perfectionists, and work for gains or benefits. Ketu is religious planet hence if placed in the 10th house indicates secret professions, religious deeds, astrology and other related professions. Besides, theyve already a propensity for the spiritual and metaphysical realms. But often, he/she is troubled by diseases and enemies. So, now the question is how to know about this planet! Would you be able to know where and what he is looking at, what are his expressions, what is he thinking? Both the planets are inimical to each other. Some may even become architects of holy places such as temples and shrines. Its definitely a five star consultation for me. Ketu is a shadow planet also known as South Node in Vedic Astrology. Sun (Surya Dev) gives a native good leadership abilities, good management skills and makes him good administrator. Stay . We all know in astrology, the fifth lord in natal chart indicates what to study. Ketu is considered to be spirituality, disinterest, and salvation science. March Monthly Horoscope 2023: Special Blessings From The Almighty In March. Dunno, or Know-Nothing or Ignoramus (Russian: , Neznayka that is Don'tknowka (ka - the Russian suffix here for drawing up the whole name in a cheerful form); from the Russian phrase " " ("ne znayu", don't know) is a character created by Soviet children's writer Nikolay Nosov. You can check out our exclusive web story on Rahu in Astrology & Impact On Career. It causes extremely angry and violent behavior. Natives are suggested to apply tilak of saffron on the forehead.4. Depicted as the body without head. Ketu is often depicted with a gem or star on his head signifying a mystery light. All of these planets influence human life in various ways, and some planets are beneficial while others are malefic. Ketu profession / Ketu-related profession. Spouse and Kids will be patient enough to handle their eccentric behavior. In case you are also looking out for a suitable career to prepare for after your tenth grade, you can opt for CogniAstro Report. Government related business, export and import, gold business, power and energy businesses, business from plants, any business related to clothes, medicine and food grains and all businesses, which give status and fame. Selection of a business is a very important decision of life. Ketu is considered a worldly malefic and spiritual benefice, as it causes sorrow and loss, which ultimately turns the individual to god. For ex - If Ketu is badly placed in 11th house then:-- One will find problems related to money. This planet is always sitting in the opposite direction of Rahu and in nature also they are poles apart. But it is a malefic planet, not as malefic as Rahu but it bestows the natives with various mishappenings in life, with the intention to help us reach emancipation. Moon2. (5) Take Leave From My Consultation Work At My Discretion. Ketu is the South Node that takes 18 years to travel through the zodiac just as Rahu and it stays in one sign for around 1.5 years. Sun represents people in a profession like promoting, owner, manager, and physician. HOROSCOPE / KUNDALI / JATAKA - Reading & Analysis. These planets in the horoscope of a person give the right direction to ones career and also prove to be helpful in showing the natives the right path. Scarlet clothes, gold, copper, masoor lentils, Batasha can also be donated. Businesses related to milk, hot & soft drink. It is always opposite in the zodiac to Rahu, the north node of the Moon, the Dragon's head or serpent's head in Vedic astrology. We need to see which planets are stronger in these houses. : - , , , , , However, in terms of astrology, Rahu means a lot. Bizarre dressing sense, bad hair style, ill-maintained body, being couch potato are their common features. ( KaRNATAKA STATE, INDIA ), ASTROLOGICAL REMEDIES - FOR PROBLEMS & negative points, PRIVACY POLICY - ANIKA VEDIC ASTROLOGY. Ketu placement in the birth chart defines what karma's have you done in the past life. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! The planet Rahu (just like the planet Ketu) is very different from the other seven planets. Ketu is called the planet of separations and is known the separate the native from the significations of the house it is sitting in. Sun Related Career/ Profession/ Business In AstrologyThe Sun, the owner of the sign Leo, the planet of all about authority. If you are also intrigued about your future and wish to know what career/course to choose from after your school, you can take the assistance of CogniAstro Career Counselling Report and get accurate solutions. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). Sun also makes one good at doing social service. Learn When To Celebrate Holi 2023 And Choose Colors As Per Your Zodiac! Well, the 8th house in Vedic rules over areas like sudden and unexpected events, how long the person will live, the reasons for death and so on. It is preferable if one takes care of street dogs, as you are doing double the work by taking care of another life while doing a remedy for Ketu. 4. He/She gains money through his/her spouse or anyone of the opposite sex or works abroad or in an MNC. Ketu is often depicted with a gem or star on his head signifying a mysterious light. The eleventh house deals with prosperity, growth, friendship, and social concerns. Ketu also gives professions that are ruled by Mars usually, in fields such as military, defense, weaponry, explosives etc. This is a fortunate combination. Major Vedic Remedies for Ketu. It is the karaka of Moksha, the reason of liberation. Most of them will become fake-babas in their middle age. If the shadow planet Ketu is present in the first house of a natives kundli, then he/she attains satisfactory achievement in any business or service industry. If the planet Ketu is situated in the sixth house of the birth chart of any person, then such a native is likely to become a good social worker, judge or lawyer and earns his/her livelihood through his/her own business. if Ketu is related to Lord of 2nd house (Dhana), or Yuvati's Lord, or, if Ketu is in Dhan, or Yuvati. 2. Please help me find it. Pujya Guru Ji have a vast and diverse Knowledge of Spirituality, Astrological Science, Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, Meditation etc. If Ketu is in the fourth house in the birth chart of any native, then such a person earns money through business, gains profit from animal service, is interested in carrying out religious works or singing and music and is a good speaker. What is the reason behind this? Having own stars of Ashwini, Magha, Moola. It really helped me clear all the doubts I have had for months. If the planet Ketu is in the eleventh house of the kundli, then that native is capable of carrying out tasks, fulfills his/her desires with the help of others, determined but doubtful, low-tempered, carry out lowly activities, has a high pain tolerance, and earns his/her livelihood through gambling. We need to understand some of part of road (stars) will be friendly to some of vehicles (planets)How planet occupied sign, star we have to observe with position from ascendant we have to consider it. The raised handle is easy to open and close and the non-slip base provides a . Just because we have some combinations in our chart doesnt mean we will find success in that field, more over we may find success just by giving our career a little twitch. They are able to develop it making it their most powerful asset. (f) More In Favour Of Recommending Practical Concepts Like Physical Exercises / Mental Exercises / Philosophy / Yoga / Counselling / Mental Health Wellness / Religious Studies / Spirituality Studies / Moral Science Etc. The Subject Of PALMISTRY Pertains To Destiny Prediction By. Ketu's negative influence can turn the native into a deceitful, dishonest and aggressive personality. There is much lore and mystery surround the Moons Nodes in Vedic myth, and they are considered of paramount importance in chart interpretation. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Effects of Rahu Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, KalaSarpa Dosha or Yoga Mystic Powers and Effects, Effects of Jupiter Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, Effects of Saturn Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, 2015 Financial Predictions for Moon Signs, Prophetic Dreams of King Bimbisara in 19th century BCE, Trojan War is Brihaspati-Tara-Chandra story, Origin of Lunar Dynasty, World before start of Satya (Krita) Yuga, Solar Dynasty and Beyond. It is believed to have a tremendous impact on people's lives and also on all of creation. We keep discuss different planets in different articles or videos. Research Finds Who Is Most Effective for Remote Work, How To Search For Canibis Despinsary Jobs, A Single Photo Almost Derailed This Pole Vaulters Promising Career, What Type Of Employment Drug Screening Does Ballad Health Do. They generally support a cause and have lots of followers owing to the righteous deeds. Ketu7. Their habits can go on for weeks or months and suddenly stop. Occult, spiritual powers, ghost experiences, black magick are their favorite subjects. Ketu, a very mysterious planet in astrology, why it is mysterious? Remedies for Ketu in 7th house. Today we are going to discuss on ketu. Rise above the s Ketu, the planet of detachment! He or she will be a strong individual with high intelligence and will be skilled at many crafts. The OXO Good Grips Egg Slicer is a simple solution for quickly and easily slicing hard-boiled eggs. from Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur. Ketu does bestow mis-happenings in life but with the intention of future emancipation. Success in IT & SOFTWARE In my 4 years of doing astrological consultations constituently I have come to see the most widely occurring combination of planets that show a successful career in IT, Software engineering or computer engineering. Ketu resides in dogs, so as a remedy people should take care of dogs. The person will always be warm to touch, and will feel hot all the time. Rahu gives knowledge of poisonous/dangerous chemicals or drugs, knowledge of nuclear technology, knowledge of physics, knowledge of metallurgy or metals manufacturing and knowledge of big modern electronics etc. Now we will discuss which type of business is preferable. Ketus influence is usually benefic for people born in Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio or Pisces ascendant. Sign Up For Our E-Mail List For - Updates, Promotions & More. I have already covered the methods to find out the ways in which you an find your ideal profession . How come society value less important professions over essential professions? Career/ Profession/ Business According/ Related To Planets In Astrology In Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart: The below-listed keywords of each planetary signification on different careers or professions in astrology will help you to judge horoscope to determine someones career. Like Rahu, this planet is also mysterious to many people. Most of their lives will be for a big cause and their spiritual goal will be attain moksha (salvation). Mars and Ketu makes the fire in the body go out of proportion, and severe problems arise from it. In this post-Ketu,in Horoscope Vedic Astrology I have linked my article page, where I have shared some tips to understand this mysterious planet. Copyright 2023, If they are offered a better job at a distant place, they will find silly excuses like travel, lack of their favorite food, expenses etc. Jovial Jupiter . Yours Sincerely & Faithfully. Rahu is about enjoyment and worldly comforts while Ketu is about enlightenment and wisdom. It is said that Rahu is the giver and Ketu is the taker. It acts as a seat of Jupiter on which Jupiter meditates or sits like a faithful dog of the saint which is none else but Jupiter. Livelihood starts after twenty four years of age. This planetary position may is connected with the source of income. Such a person is artistic by nature and works in the areas related to drama, entertainment, music, dance, Stock Market and so on. The natives of Ketu within the eighth house ought to be careful against moving accidents, illnesses or mishaps as theres the potential of natives facing them. VEDIC This article would take about the professions that are represented by each planet and to find out which planet dominates the chart in terms of your career . Mercury4. Stay safe and stay healthy!! EarthTaurusVirgo,CapricornVenusMercurySaturnPracticalityThey Believe in Stability and long-term plans. Due to the presence of Ketu in the second house of a natives kundli, then he/she pursues a business venture related to travelling. Be it a question regarding our professional or personal life, each and every answer is sought from ones Kundli or birth chart in the world of astrology. In the1980s,the underlying justice of manyjob evaluation schemes wasstill inquestion, as it was argued that many schemes unfairly rated typically masculine job characteristics, such asheavy lifting, to a high degreeandtended to undervalue the softercaring skills fundamental to manyfemale dominated occupations. If Ketu is in the twelfth house of a natives kundli, then such a person can become a social service worker. The sign Pisces belongs the the guru, Jupiter, and Ketu also has dominion over it. First lets see the most common factors in a chart that shows education and career in IT. Ketu is also known as a shadowy planet like Rahu which on its own have no physical appearance. In this post-Ketu, Jupiter Remedies In Astrology-Weak, Debilitated,Afflicted, Combust, Medical Profession/ Career In Astrology-Doctors Ultimate Guide, Moon Jupiter Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon-Jupiter Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Taurus and Cancer Horoscope 2023 Yearly Prediction, Moon Mercury Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon Mercury Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Mercury in 11th HouseCareer, Gains-Loss, Marriage, Friends, Aries Horoscope 2023 Love Life, Career, Marriage, Health, Divorce Or Separation In Astrology-Horoscope Prediction-Ultimate, Late Marriage/ Delay In Marriage In Horoscope and Remedies, Effects Of All Planets in Rohini Nakshatra in Horoscope/ Kundli, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Ketu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Jupiter Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Rahu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga. Everything that you said about me and my personality, my husbands personality was absolutely true. Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting the Future through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient Horary System. To strengthen Ketu, you should worship Lord Ganesha and offer him Durva grass (Lord Ganesha's favourite) and recite Shri Ganapati Atharvashirsha Stotra. Career astrology requires a complete analysis of the Lagna chart, Navamsha chart, Dasamsha chart, and the ongoing Dasha period. Sun, karaka of kingship gives good knowledge of politics and public sector. They always like to move towards enlightenment, as this is their ultimate aim in life. . This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Ketu general characteristics: Ketu is the rest of the body of Rahu, it bestows spiritual tendencies, asceticism, and nonattachment to worldly desires and ambitions. Get the Most Detailed Kundli Report Ever with Brihat Horoscope. Ketu doesnt have any own signs . Dzodze (V/R) Feb. 25, GNA-Mr Edem Eric Agbana, a former Deputy National Youth Organiser of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), has organised free medical health screening for residents of Dzodze in the Ketu North Municipality of the Volta Region. Ketu or South Node of Moon stays in each sign for about 1.5 years and usually takes 18 years to complete a zodiac cycle. With an auspicious Ketu, a native can become a secret informant of a politician, and earn huge amounts. ? Rahu & Ketu planets are dependent planets, which means they give a result on the basis of the association of planet and House or house lord. A positively placed Ketu often results in better luck and fortune when it comes to running businesses. Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy | Site Map. How to judge the mahadasha of Ketu in simple way will explain clearly. Yes, this also can be a significant factor causing business-related issues. Ketu is also a half-planet that bestows wisdom, powers of discrimination, and gyana-spiritual knowledge, the knowledge of the self. This policy applies to applicant organizations and registered charities that carry on a business. Planet Shani Dominating Your Kundli? Specifically, the skills that are targeted in the Basic Living Skills module of the AFLS include those skills related to self-management, basic communication, dressing, toileting, grooming, bathing, health, safety and first aid, and nighttime routines. Sun also governs sectors like government, administrator, Municipal Corporation, maintenance-related, brokerage or commission, law and order and enforcement related any dignified position, and Forest Department. It can also represent finance, banking and law . General doubts keep note and later articles will automatically clarify doubts. Vedic enigma is a platform for people who are interested in learning the art of Vedic Astrology . The Cat's Eye gemstone is commonly known as Lehsunia. Such a person is artistic by nature and works in the areas related to drama, entertainment, music, dance, Stock Market and so on. Most of them are misguided as they might have heard/experienced any hardship they or anyone would have faced in life, and people start blaming a particular planet. Ketu is for Moksha or liberation. Thats why where it sits, it destroys all the materialistic side of that house and gives suffering. At the same time, a malefic Ketu can also produce immoral people, those with strange behavioral tendencies. In my article Ketu in astrology a planet of mystery I will only mention those points that I have seen practically in my practice life. The remedies of Jupiter would be useful. Rahu is the north node of the moon. But this talent does not work for you. This dominion rules over love, romance, sex, pleasure, creativity, and intelligence. because how it exactly works no astrology scriptures have told us clearly. For Ketu related troubles: Worshipping Lord Ganesha will be effective remedy. Part of the agenda is organizing the yearly event Western Balkans Digital Summit (WBDS), each year in different members country. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a8fb93604ab1add8ae4cbee742ba1759" );document.getElementById("ae49f29f56").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As I have mentioned earlier Spirituality is totally under this planets influence. As per astrologers, you must donate sweets at the temple. One can gather knowledge of all scriptures but still, he may not reach the final destination or may be far away from the ultimate knowledge. Ketu is node planet simply take the energy of sign planets occupied of that sign, who aspects the ketu etc. Ketu Within The Eighth House: Vedic Zodiac. Ketus body is supposed to be composed of a mans torso in its upper half and a fish body as its lower half. It is considered to be a malefic planet that has a strong influence on the lives of individuals. 1. Besides this, Ketu represents Isolation, Separation, Spirituality, Mystical World, Other Dimension means things related to Alien World, also represents Son, Dog, Intuition, Research Ability, Curious Nature, things which we have already achieved in past life and not much concerned to perform in this life. By Evans Worlanyo Ameamu. How Can Employment Matching Non Profits Get Funding, How Soom After Should I Email For A Career Fair, How To Persue A Nursing Career With A Biology Degree, Where To Get Summer Employment In Pittsburgh, Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy, Sun Related Career/ Profession/ Business In Astrology, Moon Related Career/ Profession/ Business In Astrology, Mars Related Career/ Profession/ Business In Astrology, Cover Image: A mural of Ketu. An ill-posited Ketu also leads the native to feel something horrifying, an NDE (near death experience) such as a fatal injury, accident, shock, or attack. It may be a girlfriend, wife, or of any kind. Will utilize all oppurtunities that come across. Rahu a diplomatic planet which involves hard work, if placed in the 10th house indicates profession related to engineering, politics, research work, stock brokers, gambling, aviation and speculation. It is positive to the degree that one can let go. Career/ Profession/ Business According/ Related To Planets In Astrology AstroSanhita Career Astrology sun, moon, mars, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu. It is a malefic planet but not as malefic as Rahu. Like to Gather knowledge and present it systematically. This helps 70-80% of accuracy remaining we will cover with kp & western astrology systems. Ketu's source is deep in the subconscious, rooted in human reptile-brain fear of abandonment. Such a person leads the society towards its betterment and development. We would not like you to confuse this sign with your Sun Sign. Ketu's headless body and desire for spirituality makes Mars' aggressiveness, impulsivity, and action oriented tasks a risky business. Ketu is a spiritual planet as well and in association with Jupiter it may turn the native towards ascetic life. For informational purposes only. In this sense, you can call this planet malefic. Government -services also come under the category. Although Ketu is not always a cause of suffering, but it is also an inspiration to walk on the path of salvation, religion. When Ketu is positively located, the natives can get some sudden gains too. Their face will have natural radiance and attraction. Thus, the conjunction of Saturn and Ketu in the 5th House is a very negative position. When Ketu is favourable, the person tends to have a spiritual bent of mind. English / Hindi / Kannada / Marathi, (a) NUMEROLOGY - Consultation Offered, (b) MUHURTHA - Consultation Offered, (c) PALMISTRY - Consultation Not Offered, (d) VAASTU - Consultation Not Offered. Ketus negative influence can turn the native into a deceitful, dishonest and aggressive personality. Location of various planets in Astrology AstroSanhita Career Astrology requires a complete Analysis of ketu related business sign Leo the... With strange behavioral tendencies over it Leo, the fifth lord in chart! 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