nigeria resistance to colonial rule

Clifford also believed that indirect rule encouraged centripetal tendencies. The Action Group was largely the creation of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, General Secretary of Egbe Omo Oduduwa and leader of the Nigerian Produce Traders' Association. The NPC captured 142 seats in the new legislature. Following the defeat of an unsuccessful foray by Consul General James R. Phillips, a larger retaliatory force captured Benin City and drove Ovonramwen, the Oba of Benin, into exile. How did Africans resist c. Protestant missionaries tended to divide the country into spheres of activity to avoid competition with each other, and Catholic missions similarly avoided duplication of effort among the several religious orders working there. [74] But with the advancement and efficiency of colonial transportation networks, it was only a matter of time before the disease began to spread into the interior. [32] This included a river fleet which it used for retaliatory attacks on uncooperative villages. The National Youth Movement used nationalist rhetoric to agitate for improvements in education. [73] The colonial government would enact new legislation in reaction to the pandemic including, travel passes for individuals in the colony, increased usage of sanitary practices, and door to door checks on indigenous Nigerian households. In some cases, British assignment of people to ethnic groups, and treatment based along ethnic lines, led to identification with ethnicity where none had existed before.[84]. He insisted on maintaining the territorial integrity of the Northern Region. Retrieved October 11, 2014 from. The early resistance to colonialism in Africa began in the late 19th century with the increasing unrest in East Africa and several organized groups. In: The Journal of African History: (1990 . [8] British influence in the region began with the prohibition of slave trade to British subjects in 1807. There was virtually no pressure for greater unity among the regions until after the end of World War II. resistance and successfully imposed colonial rule should attest to the point that African military resistance was ineffectual. Nigeria Lugard and Indirect Rule. The forces unleashed against the British were now diverse, including soldiers who had served in World War II, the media, restless youth, market women, educated people, and farmers, all of whom became committed to the anticolonial movement. Contemporary photograph of the same building, now housing the, Developments in colonial policy under Clifford, Emergence of Southern Nigerian nationalism, Constitutional conferences in the UK (195758), All of this section to this point is from. After 1900, Europe began to introduce changes to colonial rule in an effort to increase revenues from the colonies. In Africa, Nigerians lived under British rule from 1900 to 1960. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1719. Although there was strong resistance from natives against the British, it was all crushed by the British. Although churchmen in Britain had been influential in the drive to abolish the slave trade, significant missionary activity for Africa did not develop until the 1840s. . The European struggle to establish forts and trading posts on the West African coast from about the mid-1600s to the mid-1700s was part of the wider competition for trade and empire in the Atlantic. During his six-year tenure as High Commissioner, Sir Frederick Lugard (as he became in 1901) was occupied with transforming the commercial sphere of influence inherited from the Royal Niger Company into a viable territorial unit under effective British political control. Over the next decades as colonial rule became institutionalized, African resistance to colonialism became more focused and intense. [16] Starting in 1740, the British were the primary European slave trafficker from this area. [11][12], The amalgamation of different ethnic and religious groups into one federation created internal tension which persists in Nigeria to the present day.[13]. The NPC was called on to form a government, but the NCNC received six of the ten ministerial posts. [73] An estimated 500,000 Nigerians would lose their lives due to the pandemic, severely decreasing production capabilities on Nigerian farms and plantations. 1960-1966: Early diplomatic relations. what were negative effects of colonial rule in african continent. The yoruba-Igbo rivalry became increasingly important in Nigerian politics. They wanted self-government, charging that only colonial rule prevented the unshackling of progressive forces in Nigeria and other states. The British entry into World War I saw the confiscation of Nigerian palm oil firms operated by expatriates from the Central Powers. Three of these posts were assigned to representatives from each region, and one was reserved for a delegate from the Northern Cameroons. As its head, the master trader taxed other traders who were members of his "house"; he maintained a war vessel, a large dugout canoe that could hold several tons of cargo and dozens of crew, for the defense of the harbor. Further dislocation accompanied the outbreak of World War I. Instead, the companies had to be content with a monopoly of the export trade in these products. The emirs gave support to limited modernization largely from fears of the unsettling presence of southerners in the north, and by observing the improvements in living conditions in the South. In the long term, the acceptance of Christianity by large numbers of Nigerians depended on the various denominations adapting to local conditions. [64], Each region also had a Native Administration, staffed by locals, and possessing a Native Treasury. To prevent any united opposition to its authority, the British adopted a divide-and-rule policy, keeping Nigerian groups separate from one another as much as possible. The basic economic units in each town were "houses", family-operated entities that engendered loyalty for its employees. The Emirs and chiefs who are appointed will rule over the people as of old-time and take such taxes as are approved by the High Commissioner, but they will obey the laws of the Governor and will act in accordance with the advice of the Resident. In the 1870s, therefore, George Taubman Goldie began amalgamating companies into the United African Company, soon renamed the National African Company. Some of them also manned Company stations and served as District Agents.". Decolonization - Jan C. Jansen 2019-06-11 The end of colonial rule in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean was one of the most By 1919 the National Council of British West Africa, an organization consisting of elites across West Africa, was demanding that half the members of the Legislative Council be Africans; they also wanted a university in West Africa and more senior positions for Africans in the colonial civil service. [8] Azikiwe was installed as Governor-General of the federation and Balewa continued to serve as head of a democratically elected parliamentary, but now completely sovereign, government. After the British government assumed direct control of the Royal Niger Companys territories, the northern areas were renamed the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria, and the land in the Niger delta and along the lower reaches of the river was added to the Niger Coast Protectorate, which was renamed the Protectorate of Southern Nigeria. [32], In 1880, the British Government and traders demonetised the Maria Theresa dollar, to the considerable dismay of its local holders, in favour of the pound sterling. [75] The colonial government was not equipped nor ready in general for such a situation. Focusing on Britain and Africa, this looks at the growth of anti-colonial resistance and opposition to racism in the prelude to the post-colonial era. [35] However, the company did accept that local kings could act as partners in governance and trade. Political activists in the southern areas spoke of self-government in terms of educational opportunities and economic development. In practice, British administrative procedures under indirect rule entailed constant interaction between colonial authorities and local rulersthe system was modified to fit the needs of each region. The protest began in the Frederick Lugard, who assumed the position of high commissioner of the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria in 1900, often has been regarded as the model British colonial administrator. These organisations were primarily urban phenomena that arose after numerous rural migrants moved to the cities. [18], In 1807, the Parliament of the United Kingdom enacted the Slave Trade Act, prohibiting British subjects from participating in the Atlantic slave trade. The Colonial Office approved most of Lugard's plan, but balked at authorising him to pass laws without their approval. Agents also collected intelligence for the colonial officials; they gathered information on public opinion and the military resources of the local polities; they also spied on rival colonial forces in foreign territories. In 1794, the African Association in Great Britain commissioned Mungo Park, an intrepid Scottish physician and naturalist, to search for the headwaters of the Niger and follow the river downstream. In elections that year, the NYM ended the domination of the NNDP in the Legislative Council and worked to establish a national network of affiliates. It is not a unitary state with local government areas but with one Central Executive and one Legislature. The superior weapons, tactics and political unity of the British are commonly given as reasons for their decisive ultimate victory. At the same time, British scientists were interested in exploring the course and related settlements along the Niger River. He was aware that the Muslim north would present problems, but he had hopes for progress along the lines which he laid down in the south, where he anticipated "general emancipation" leading to a more representative form of government. When direct Portuguese contacts in the region were withdrawn, however, the influence of the Catholic missionaries waned. As a latecomer in the struggle for colonies, Germany had to settle for four territories, called "protectorates," in . Robin Hermann, "Empire Builders and Mushroom Gentlemen: The Meaning of Money in Colonial Nigeria". Macaulay was despised by the British, but he came to be regarded as the father of modern Nigerian nationalism.. Adam Smith wrote in 1776 that the African societies were better established and more populous than those of the Americas, thus creating a more formidable barrier to European expansion. Nigerian delegates were selected to represent each region and to reflect various shades of opinion. Falola, Toyin, Ann Genova, and Matthew M. Heaton. [19] This scenario provided an opportunity for naval expeditions and reconnaissance throughout the region. He also led the Nigerian National Democratic Party, which dominated elections in Lagos from its founding in 1922 until the ascendancy of the National Youth Movement in 1938. [73] In direct reaction to the epidemic, colonial authorities allowed African doctors and medical personnel to work with influenza patients due to the severity of the situation. In the South, only English had official status. Elections were held for a new and greatly enlarged House of Representatives in December 1959; 174 of the 312 seats were allocated to the Northern Region on the basis of its larger population. These changes included taking land from African people and giving it to the growing number of Europeans in the colonies. By the mid-1940s, the major ethnic groups had formed such associations as the Igbo Federal Union and the Egbe Omo Oduduwa (Society of the Descendants of Oduduwa), a Yoruba cultural movement, in which Awolowo played a leading role. Pre-colonial southern Nigeria was an _____ societey. They were the most politically conscious segment of the population and created the vanguard of the nationalist movement. The incidence of slavery in local societies increased. Other firms applying for licenses were rejected. 22. [67], This system, in which the structure of authority focused on the emir to whom obedience was a mark of religious devotion, did not welcome change. Exploration was intensified in 1946, but the first commercial discovery did not occur until 1956, at Olobiri in the Niger Delta. Some African Christian communities formed their own independent churches. Nigeria is a country in West Africa and was colonized by the British in 1884 during a slave trade (Alme). They selected an increasingly high proportion of African clergy for the missions. History of Islam in Nigeria. Revolts in against water rates and the alienation of indigenous land in 1908 and 1911 served to unite native African elites and working class residents. . [27] To produce all this oil, the economy of the southern region crossed over from mostly subsistence to the production of palm oil as a cash crop.[28]. The transfer of responsibility for budgetary management from the central to the regional governments in 1954 accelerated the pace of public spending on services and on development projects. [58], Some of these public work projects were accomplished with the help of forced labour from native black Africans, referred to as "Political Labour". In the year 1901, Nigeria officially became a part of the huge British Empire. The Royal Niger Company had its own armed forces. ", Helen Chapin Metz, ed. "The Hidden Hand of Overrule: Political Agents and the Establishment of British Colonial Rule in Northern Nigeria, 18861914". Some of the treaties contained prohibitions on diplomacy conducted without British permission, or other promises to abide by British rule. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1921. After the Willink Commission examined and reported on this issue in 1958, independence was granted. Resistance to colonial rule was mitigated to the extent that local authorities and courts were able to manage affairs. [19][41], In 18961897 the forces of the Niger Coast Protectorate fought with the remnants of the Edo Empire. In response to Azikiwe and other nationalists, the Lyttelton constitution of 1954 created a fully federal system, comprising the three geographic regions of Nigeria, the Southern Cameroons, and the Federal Territory of Lagos. Britain also annexed Freetown in Sierra Leone, declaring it a Crown Colony in 1808.[20]. Its activist membership was drawn from local government and emirate officials who had access to means of communication and to repressive traditional authority that could keep the opposition in line. The militias and RWAFF battalions were reorganized into the RWAFF Nigeria Regiment.[62]. Political opposition to colonial rule often assumed religious dimensions. The Royal Niger Company established its headquarters far inland at Lokoja, which was the main trading port of the company,[34] from where it began to assume responsibility for the administration of areas along the Niger and Benue rivers where it maintained depots. [56], Walter Egerton's sixfold agenda for 1908, as detailed on 29 November 1907, in a telegram to the Colonial Office, is representative of British priorities. 2, p. 211-221. . The NPC platform emphasized the integrity of the north, its traditions, religion and social order. Although per capita income in the country as a whole remained low by international standards, rising incomes among salaried personnel and burgeoning urbanization expanded consumer demand for imported goods. Alienated by the anonymity of the urban environment and drawn together by ties to their ethnic homelandsas well as by the need for mutual aidthe new city dwellers formed local clubs that later expanded into federations covering whole regions. Hausa was recognised as an official language in the north, and knowledge of it was expected of colonial officers serving there. Although lacking Azikiwe's compelling personality, Awolowo was a formidable debater as well as a vigorous and tenacious political campaigner. The staff of this office came primarily from the British upper-middle classi.e., university-educated men, primarily not nobility, with fathers in well-respected professions. Other Protestant denominations from Great Britain, Canada, and the United States also opened missions and, in the 1860s, Roman Catholic religious orders established missions. Lagos was annexed as a Crown Colony in 1861 via the Lagos Treaty of Cession.[30]. In Nigeria, the British colonial administration found perhaps the longest-lasting resistance movement. Consequently, he may well deserve the epithet of the "father of Nigeria", which historians accorded him. After the 1930s, political activities focused primarily on ways to end British rule. The early history of Lagos Colony was one of repeated attempts to end the Yoruba wars. In 1929, this incident in Nigeria later became one of the reasons for the fight against colonial rule in Africa A) The Nigerian Oil crisis B) The Aba Women's Revolt C) . In April 1927, the British colonial government in Nigeria took measures to enforce the Native Revenue (Amendment) Ordinance. Later Nigerian troops were sent to East Africa. Progressive constitutions after World War II provided for increasing representation and electoral government by Nigerians. The emirs retained their caliphate titles but were responsible to British district officers, who had final authority. In the south, by contrast, traditional rulers were employed as vehicles of indirect rule in Edoland and Yorubaland, but Christianity and Western education undermined their sacerdotal functions. [10], Following military conquest, the British imposed an economic system designed to profit from African labor. British staffs in each region continued to operate according to procedures developed before unification. Non-violent Resistance - In the Year of African Independence, 1961, 17 countries declared themselves independent of colonial powers, most of them non-violently, through protest and/or negotiation . In: Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs: (1999), vol. By extending the elective principle and by providing for a central government with a Council of Ministers, the Macpherson Constitution gave renewed impetus to party activity and to political participation at the national level. "Separatist Agitations in Nigeria Since 1914." While initially organised for professional and fraternal reasons, these were centres of educated people who had chances to develop their leadership skills in the organisations, as well as form broad social networks. It is not a federal state with federal Executive, Legislature and finances, like the Leewards. How did British keep Nigerians from developing organized political resistance. In 1916 Lugard formed the Nigerian Council, a consultative body that brought together six traditional rulersincluding the Sultan of Sokoto, the Emir of Kano and the Oba of Beninto represent all parts of the colony. From 1886 to 1899, much of the country was ruled by the Royal Niger Company, authorised by charter, and governed by George Taubman Goldie. Read suggested they be merged, and more use made of Nigeria's natural resources. In 1922 Kamerun was divided under a League of Nations mandate between France and Britain, Britain administering its area within the government of Nigeria; after 1946 the mandated areas were redesignated as a United Nations (UN) trust territory. Men such as Balewa believed that only by overcoming political and economic backwardness could the NPC protect the foundations of traditional northern authority against the influence of the more advanced south. Demanding immediate self-government, the Action Group was opposed by the Northern Peoples Congress (NPC), which was composed largely of northerners and headed by several leaders, including Abubakar Tafawa Balewa. The trade subsequently continued under the Portuguese Empire. African resistance to colonial rule began with A) The arrival of the Europeans on the continent in the late 19th century B) The end of World War II C) . Nigeria (/ n a d r i / ny-JEER-ee-), officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a country in West Africa.It is situated between the Sahel to the north and the Gulf of Guinea to the south in the Atlantic Ocean.It covers an area of 923,769 square kilometres (356,669 sq mi), and with a population of over 225 million, it is the most populous country in Africa, and the world's . [73], Africa as a whole was hit by three waves of H1N1 influenza A, the first and second would be the most deadly for the colony of Nigeria. Amalgamation of Nigeria was envisioned from early on in its governance, as is made clear by the report of the Niger Committee in 1898. September 1996. refusing to pay. [19], West Africa also bought British exports, supplying 3040% of the demand for British cotton during the Industrial Revolution of 17501790.[27]. Kingdoms and empires of precolonial Nigeria, Controversies surrounding the 2007 presidential election, Nigeria under Umaru Musa YarAdua and Goodluck Jonathan, The 2015 elections and electorate concerns, Recession, fight against corruption, and insecurity, Which Country Is Larger By Population? Each region had a governor, premier, cabinet, legislature, and civil service, with the significantly weaker federal government represented in Lagos by a governor-general, bureaucracy, House of Representatives, and Senate. [70], Lugard's immediate successor (19191925), Sir Hugh Clifford, was an aristocratic professional administrator with liberal instincts who had won recognition for his enlightened governorship of the Gold Coast in 19121919. Christian missionaries were barred, and the limited government efforts in education were harmonized with Islamic institutions.[67]. Beecroft agreed on condition that the slave trade be abolished, and British merchants have a monopoly in commodities. Years of colonial rule yieleded system w/ all-powerful central government surrounded by weak and economically insolvent states. [82], Oil exploration began in 1906 under John Simon Bergheim's Nigeria Bitumen Corporation, to which the Colonial Office granted exclusive rights. Mordi, Emmanuel Nwafor. Main aim. The British answered this activity by attempting to create a more representational colonial system. The only significant interruption in economic development arose from natural disasterthe Great Drought of 191314. [22] Many locals remained unconvinced of the Crown's authority to completely reverse the legal and moral attributes of a social institution through fiat. The Treasury used a planned budget for payment of staff and development of public works projects, and therefore could not be spent at the discretion of the local traditional ruler. Nigeria is a country in West Africa and was colonized by the British. Direct taxation on men was introduced in 1928 without major incidents. Ist October, 2010, marks The 50th anniversary of Nigeria's independence from imperial Britain. The war also made the British reappraise Nigeria's political future. [8], Through a progressive sequence of regimes, the British imposed Crown Colony government on much of the area of West Africa which came to be known as Nigeria, a form of rule which was both autocratic and bureaucratic. Out of reverence for traditional kingship, for instance, the Oba of Benin, whose office was closely identified with Edo religion, was accepted as the sponsor of a Yoruba political movement. [74] The disease first found its home among the many trading ports along the West African coast. In one year, Lugard recruited 2600 troops, evenly split between Hausa and Yoruba. Although realistic in its assessment of the situation in Nigeria, the Richards Constitution undoubtedly intensified regionalism as an alternative to political unification. He shows that, long before the growth of a mass independence movement in the wake of the second world war, there was considerable opposition to colonial rule. The British, when faced with dissent, tended to grant political reforms in an effort to dispel the attractiveness of more-radical . They later discovered that the demand for . 74 ] the colonial Office approved most of Lugard 's plan, but balked authorising! Promises to abide by British rule the situation in Nigeria, 18861914 '' was reserved for delegate! State with local government areas but with one Central Executive and one was for! And reported on this issue in 1958, independence was granted on the nigeria resistance to colonial rule adapting... Rule became institutionalized, African resistance to colonialism became more focused and intense in! British permission, or other promises to abide by British rule from 1900 to.... Expected of colonial officers serving there new Legislature the Leewards they were the primary slave. 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