y shaped fate line

Learning to accept unpleasantness is the best way to find a sense of balance in your life. Here we focus on palmistry and the fate line. A break within an otherwise continuous fate line indicates a rest within ones job. In short it can be said that he may be riding on two boats at a time. If you have two fate lines on your palm, you are likely to have good luck. No wonder, it is often found on the hands of very successful and multi-millionaires. If the heart line begins underneath the index finger, it is an indication that you are satisfied with your love life, or it could mean that you are picky about who you choose to have a relationship with. Deep Line: Inheritance. In addition, a bright Sun line represents success and independence, while a weaker Sun line is associated with failure. Location. If the fate line starts from the mount of Venus, it indicates that you will be free from worries as money will not be a problem. If you have a long one, you are likely to be a free spirit. If your fate line is on the headline, you are more likely to fall in love with people who have already committed to you. A broken fate line can often show problems and changes in a work context. Later I will talk about interruption of this line in details. To find a fork on the fate line, which splits lines in two indicates you will be torn in two career directions or perhaps that you will be trying to manage two different circumstances at the same time. A clear, consistent, and straight line indicates self-employment and is a good sign for independent workers or owning their own business. Absent of fate line doesn't mean you don't have career during the life. (Fig 34), If the line is chained at the end, it shows your career doesn't go smoothly during your old age at the same time you would suffer financial losses. A bad fate-line is an indication that you will face many challenges. She can attain success only after defeating the problems and conflicts in her life. If your fate line starts from the heart line, it indicates a lot of struggle and success will come only after the age of fifty five. Chained fate line A native may face many ups and downs in his life if the fate line is chained in his palm. In Indian Palmistry this line is also called the line of karma, the line of wealth etc. This vertical line should not be confused with the main lines of your hand and is an additional line that often crosses over other the two prominent horizontal lines on your hand. A deep, direct, straight and long fate line that begins from the base of the palm and extends till the Mount of Saturn indicates a strong career or business. This shows that initially the person started work based on outside advice, but then they found more fulfilling work as they became more self-motivated. The fate line itself. However, some do, and their destiny is outlined in their palms. If the line goes towards little finger so the native will be a businessman, specially ventures. If your fate line is deep, straight and long from the base of palm then it means that you will profit from land or property from your paternal side and reap other benefits.You will have a successful career. A continuation of a path may be a sign of a temporary hitch in your career. If one sees many branches which are descending from the fate line itself this indicates that there could be a number of different problems career-wise. We have lots of wonderful palmistry information on this line below. If the line stops at the head line this is associated with a relaxing retirement. Chained line The individuals who have a chained line would be suffering a lot from misfortunes and unhappiness. (Fig 12), If your fate line starting from the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Sun (located below the ring finger), it indicates artistic endowment. You usually could gain wealth by using your artistic talents. The girdle of Venus is present on both hands and cutting the sun line on the left hand as shown, heart line is thick suggests he is extra sensitive to other people's opinions and comments that create inner turmoil, restlessness, anxiety, abnormal palpitation of heart and non-confrontational in nature. Broken fate line in a native's hand indicates a danger. If you don't have the fate line on your palm, it means you have to struggle with yourself to find out the best career road that can make you feel happy. People with short-lined fate-lines are most likely to be creative and work with the public. If the line goes towards Saturn mount or middle finger so the native prosper in his life by hard work and self effort. If your fate line starts on the base of your thumb, inside your life line's curve, it indicates a point where family or close friends are supportive of you. An island can also indicate a period of unemployment. If the star is on one side of the sun line, it suggests . A Love can last if it joins the fate line then it becomes a part of it. 26 Feb Feb Broken fate line Broken fate line in a natives hand indicates a danger. Keep in mind that having this line doesnt mean that you will not have a career. Palmistry reveals individual personality and character traits through the study of the shape, size and lines of the hands and fingers. For that fate line to become attached implies that the owner will marry someone from somewhere in the neighborhood. In palmistry literature, this can mean that the bearer will have a particularly strong career. If you have a strong fateline, it means that you are not superstitious and you should avoid gambling and buying lottery tickets. without permission. If the fate line starts from the life line and goes towards Saturn mount or middle finger so the will be a business man. A square on the line indicates you are always beset with emotional depression and pains. For example, a light-colored fate line is indicative of a lack of ambition. The natives who do not have visible fate line can get information about their future by considering other lines of the palm. Do not worry about not having a fate line. lf there's no fate line, the individual is most likely pretty much responsible for their own potential and will not suffer the whim of fate. You likely will not find enough interest in doing one thing or will change jobs so frequently that you will not have enough time present within a career to establish the basis of this line. It is possible to have two fate lines, but not everyone does. This is a positive omen as means that you can find yourself in life. He was born in a traditional Brahmin family in India West Bengal near Kolkata, The City Of Joy, one of Indias major cities. 4. We use cookies in this site to offer you a better browsing experience. We sometimes see a deep fate line or a very faint line. As a result, it will likely end up extremely difficult for him or her to initiate a direction that is right. There are chances that you might be indecisive as your fate lines may not let you make a firm decision in life. Violations will attract legal penalties. A powerful, profoundly marked line may suggest a distinctive feeling of a duty to folks. Maybe the owner has worked in the family businesses or chosen an identical career as a parent or perhaps a family member. A breakage in a fate line means the native may face an accident at a certain point of time. You can find its location from the right picture. If the fate line ends at the mount of Jupiter, it implies that you are a wise and learned man. If your fate line commences inside the life line curve (which is curve around the thumb) means you will observe a career change that will greatly affect a loved one. The problem is that at times they will tend to feel unbalanced and discontented. If the fate line ends at the mount of Mercury, it indicates person will be a businessman. A shallow fate line indicates a hard work and career full of twists and turns. Zig zag lines : If you find the fate line ends at the heart line, it means your career is affected by your emotion. Posted on Published: October 11, 2020- Last updated: October 5, 2022, Video Free Online Chat Psychic Readings: Your Definitive Guide. This line dictates the presence of a career, how successful one will be and the timing of your career. The individuals would have to work for others definitely because he might have got help from the others. Therefore it would appear that when the line is shortened, the individual would be less successful, but that is not the case. To find a star further up on your fate line (past your head line) means that you will have a great profession and good fortune between Forty-five and 55. The lifeline is also a reference to our well-being, but we must weigh other lines to reach a decision in terms of health. It can be a sign that you are not happy with the way your career has turned out. If they have a long fate line, they are probably a good candidate for a job in a secret organization. You can also have some basic ideas about the fate line reading on the palms. This indicates a change of direction in life, the point the fate line crosses or stops at the headline is aged 35. The native may start his/her career with service or job but when the right age of that line will come he/she will involve him/herself in business. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies & privacy policies. This means that at that time the person will be looking to retire. In this case, you are likely to be a workaholic, and will keep looking for new jobs and roles until youre exhausted. I'm also Hello, I have a star on my palm just above my wrist between my fate line and my life line. Your future is uncertain, and you may be disappointed. You would not be able to work in a particular company and even your work the company will not give you a permeant posting. We often blame our fate saying that it was not meant for me when we lose an opportunity. A wavy line should be avoided. The sun line varies greatly in length, depth, and . Equally, it is important to understand that the other lines in the hands also need to be interpreted in relation to the fate line. The line across the top of your palm is your heart line; underneath, rests the head line; then comes the fate line, which can start anywhere from the base of the palm; rounding out the. Given that the location where the fate line intersects the heart line fits approximately at age 57 - 65. An island on the join point of the fate line and head line indicates financial losses or failure of career caused by your wrong decisions. If you notice many different diagonal bars on the fate line then this can suggest that there will be problems and setbacks work context, especially if these lines also come across to the Lifeline headline. Generally, he or she will get achievement about thirty-five years grow old. For the fate line to begin on the mount of Luna means that the owner may find family will dictate his or her career path. It is sometimes difficult to differentiate between an X and a star on the fate line. He might not able to score good marks in the examinations and would not concentrate on studies. 2. When the fate line goes completely to the top of the palm, you may feel trapped in work. You might even be a cynical person, and you should avoid sports. Energy If your fate line is starting from your lifeline, you are likely to be full of energy and are a good worker. The fate line that goes horizontal then upright shows the possible hospitalization and also recovery from illness. Marriage line forked at the beginning in a Y shape - when a Marriage line is forked at the beginning in a Y shape that is not a good sign for the person's love life. This means that the individuals would have to involve in many give and take up policies. Having a short fate line may also indicate that you will lose your identity. Professionally, these individuals would have excellent power on the whole. If it moves with the fate line and goes down another path then your lover will probably move away. People who hold stars on their fate line always have much better luck than other people. (Fig 10), If your fate line starting from the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Saturn (located below the middle finger), it indicates a successful career created from almost nothing. As it points to the Saturn finger, it's also referred to as the 'Saturn Line'. My book reveals incredible dream secrets that have previously only been known to initiates of the esoteric groups. The closer the fate line is to the mount of luna means the quicker the person will go off on their own, find a career path, move away from home. The Life Line the Longer the Better. The fate line crosses palm in palmistry: personality, love, career, marriage, fate, if fate line is bifurcated at the top what does it means, Star between my life line and fate line on my left hand, Partial Simian Line on both hands, Fate line meeting heart and head line. In other words, you will have a bitter life than others when compared to job security. You might rise from obscurity to become a politicianor perhaps aperformer. If the fate line is only on the left-hand only, the fate line is on the right-hand only then there may be work that the subject must achieve in connection with his or her career. If your line is shallow and wide, you are destined to have a hard working life and fail to achieve great things. It means that as a person you will create your own unique terms in your own way. Story varies from man to man but the fact is same, that the native has to take responsibilities and this is the fact. It will indicate a lack of happiness and a lack of success in work. There are several types of fate lines, but you can choose between them. If your fate line crosses the sun line, this is not necessarily a bad thing. It shows success in business and commerce line. The starting point can be anywhere from the base of the palm (most of the people find it begins from the middle part). In other words, our destiny! Your fate line in palmistry can intersect with another fate line. Sun (Apollo) Line - Fame, Luck and Wealth, Marriage Compatibility and Love Life in Palmistry, Matching Heart Line in Palms & Nature of Spouse, Line of Intuition - position and direction, Hora Auspiscious or Inauspicious time in a Day, Prophetic Dreams of King Bimbisara in 19th century BCE, Trojan War is Brihaspati-Tara-Chandra story, Origin of Lunar Dynasty, World before start of Satya (Krita) Yuga, Solar Dynasty and Beyond. He will have the power to dominate others and a refined leadership quality which can makes them a political leader. If your fate line is in the shape of zig zag, then you may face many ups and downs or drastic changes in life. You should consult a fortune teller to learn how to read your horoscope and determine what your destiny has in store. If the fate line ends at the heart line, it indicates that you will have job or business which will give monetary benefits up to the age of fifty five. The palmists alone predicts the fate of the line of the individual based on the positions of the line. The intersection of your fate lines will happen at a specific age. The fate line can reveal what will be the important trends in our life.Palmistry says that there are seven varieties of fate lines which have separate influences on an individual. (Fig 14), If your fate line starting from the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Mercury (located below the little finger), it indicates great achievement in business investment. You will get success after a lot of struggle and obstacles. If it extends from the wrist to headline it shows the . There might be crosses, squares, breaks, chains, folks, or the hand or it may not have a fate line at all! You may have two fate lines if you have a Y-shaped fortune line on the mount of saturn. This type of line on the palm of a woman indicates she will be a wife of a rich person. A fate line in palmistry with a divided fate line indicates that you are confused and indecisive. This fate line starts from the base or wrist part of the palm and ends at the base of the middle finger of the person. Shape of Fate Line Deep and Long. (Fig 30), An island at the end of the fate line shows you couldnt realize your lofty aspirations during your life, thus be passive and disappointed during the old age. Your fate line is a symbol of your future success. The bigger the island is, the more serious the troubles are. If the fate line starts from base and ends at the headline, it indicates you will stop work at the age of thirty five on your own and find difficult to have work or do a job after that. For the fate line to be deep and long which goes past the heart line cand points to the middle finger (as seen on the drawing known as the Mount of Saturn or Mount of Sun) this is positive. It is considered as the sister line to the fate line. However, people with long fate lines have a strong sense of destiny. You need not worry a lot about your life or future if the palmistry fate line is absent on your palm. If the fate line is made up of a triangle, you may be interested in psychic pursuits. The star at the center of the palm is an inauspicious sign which suggests that you will have bad luck and you are self-willed and reckless, thus easily suffer a failure out of impulsion but you will remedy if you can correct the mistake. Sometimes the fate line is extremely long and can be found near the end of the wrist. The stage where it crosses the heart line it coincides with age 35. Trident on the heart line is considered a fortunate sign especially if it ends under the mount of Jupiter as shown. Fate lines focus on a persons future, prosperity, and career. Jupiter Remedies In Astrology-Weak, Debilitated,Afflicted, Combust, Medical Profession/ Career In Astrology-Doctors Ultimate Guide, Moon Jupiter Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon-Jupiter Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Taurus and Cancer Horoscope 2023 Yearly Prediction, Moon Mercury Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon Mercury Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Mercury in 11th HouseCareer, Gains-Loss, Marriage, Friends, Aries Horoscope 2023 Love Life, Career, Marriage, Health, Divorce Or Separation In Astrology-Horoscope Prediction-Ultimate, Late Marriage/ Delay In Marriage In Horoscope and Remedies, Effects Of All Planets in Rohini Nakshatra in Horoscope/ Kundli, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Ketu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Jupiter Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Rahu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga. What obstructs and stops the fate line is the way the subjectmay find things that get in the way of their life. 10. The ruling planet of this line is Saturn and maximum time this line goes to or towards Saturn mount. The younger will have to work hard to achieve what he or she has. If you have a long and faint fate line, it may be because you are destined to find a purpose in your life. In addition, it refers to your life path (or called your destiny). For the line to be split means that someone is likely to embark on a different career. The Sunline begins from the mount of the moon and runs till the base of the ring finger. But the absence of a fate-line will only affect your career. 7 Types of FATE LINE and Their Meaning | Palmistry in Hindi | Types of Luck Line | Samudrika ShastraThe Fate line controls the timing of one's fortune. A faint fate line in the palm is the sign of a powerful fate force in your life. There are numerous places that this line can finish, this might begin in the wrist and diminish at Jupiter's finger, or even possible it might not appear until midway almost in the hand's palm. Not everybody has a job or even a career with a career/fate line. The star on a fate line generally means success and happiness, also riches. But a strong Sun line in the natives hand will provide him success. (Fig 11), If your fate line starting from the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Jupiter (located below the forefinger), it indicates a good fame for the good use of power. Some clues about love and relationships are revealed just by the position of the line on the palm. He may be indecisive as his fate lines may not let him make a strong decision and stand by it. If yours is a deep brown color, your fate line is likely connected to money. He might swing between failure and success. If this line emerges more noticeably, this means that trouble during your childhood years has elevated your world perspective, making you a strong character! Hence, it is important to understand that to some professional palm readers it is not worth mentioning in the actual reading if the line is absent. 3. My favorite topic is the fate line, I find it mysterious and fascinating. A fate line that starts on the opposite bottom of the palm (under the ring or little finger) shows a person who has chosen agratifying career. You really have deep knowledge of astrology. In short it can be said that he may be riding on two boats at a time. If the line of fate begins at the head line, a blessed business venture may increase your standard of living. A good fate-line will have branches. A branch in the middle of a palm is a good sign. Thanks. If you want to become a religious leader, you should work hard at it. There are two divisions within this ancient science. The actual little lines that shoot upwards indicate successes and great earning power in the future. (Fig 10) this type of line will make the native a person with restless mind, their decisions are not stable, changing all the time. A branch that reaches the heart line is a negative sign. For many people, it is not as important because of the way you live your life. This is a good sign for people who have a strong desire to succeed in their lives and have a strong desire to make things work out for themselves. Many palmists associate this ending with having a family, or a new career, close to the age of thirty-five; this is when people forget about being motivated simply by money. You will also know how life is going to be, smooth or filled with struggles.Timing of the fate line is considered from base of the palm, which is considered as the starting point. Text is registered by the US Library ofCongress under TX0007655635. The study involves when your fate line crosses the headline then it is assumed by the palmistry or by yourself as the thirty-fifth year of age. If the Fate Line starts joined to the life line, it indicates that you are a self-made inpidual. The life line is the line that extends around the thumb. The organization may rule the executive. The fate line can also give us some indication of how our money will be achieved in life. If You Have A Divided Fate Line. A short fate-line, on the other hand, shows a lack of self-confidence, which is common amongst people with a short-lined fate-line. In Palmistry materialistic part of life is seen from the fate line, how a native will get all materialistic facilities to enjoy the life that is the main concern part of the fate line. Its definitely a five star consultation for me. If your fate line starts from the head line it means you will struggle up to the age of thirty five and your luck will bloom after that. Dont worry this is focused on the fact that you are always on the go in life. Only through self-understanding are we able to begin to move towards what we should want from existence. This also means that you are family focused. In China, people would like to call the line as the career line as it mainly reflects the fortune of one's career or job. A palmist tells about the persons future life whether he will earn much, business profit and gain, life career, his achievements in terms of prosperity based on the fate line. It is. A strong Sun line is a sign of success. The fate line usually runs from the bottom part of the hand or at the top part of the wrist which runs to the top portion of the second finger of the person. Your dream job is not at all possible to achieve. She can attain success only after defeating the problems and conflicts in her life. When the line begins on the Neptune mount (this is positioned at the bottom of your hand in the middle of your wrist), you'll make your choices throughout the first a part of your life. There is a goal to be insecure, to get a job or marriage that provides security or routine in life, but it will not be enough to satisfy the owner. Because of this, you usually get poor marks. You will command respect and reputation among your mates. Sudden incomes from unidentified sources are achievable. People with fate lines finishing at the head line must operate in conditions where they've got independence to make choices for their own. Due to unsuccessful attempts in his life he may often feel hopelessness. The fate line in palmistry decides the duration of your life and the vitality of a person. On the other hand, a weak or faint fate line suggests a person who is restless and tends tochange jobsquite often. Choosing the right career will determine your future happiness. The fate line is one of the major palmistry lines on hands. Main points discussed in this article regarding money line No money line on palm I don't have a money . Some carry on beyond the heart line up to one of the mounts. If however the fate line is broken in any way then this can indicate that there is going to be an accident or problem whereby the person is unable to continue working. A Y-shaped fate line represents the Y-shaped path that you take. This line could it be in our primal or tribal character to obtain what our heart desires? The people with such a line always have a faithful helpmate. The most crucial part of the reading is where the line starts. The intersection with heart line is taken as fifty five years. This line is about 15% of the entire palm and can be a great indicator of your future. Stars on their fate line can also give US some indication of how our money will a. 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