purple bruise with white center

Hi. I know for sure i didnt hit it or anything. You NEVER seek medical advice on social media. I hope that helps point you in the right direction. They know her best current medications, medical history, etc. Thank you for reading Shine365 and reaching out. It happens quick and feels like an itch first but then hurts terribly and the pain and then the pain suddenly stops, leaving a very dark bruise. Within hours, my doctor had me sent to the hospital for multiple testing and oncology/hematology. Bruises change color as they heal and most don't need treatment. I've been told i dont have leukemia. We recommend contacting your doctor as soon as you can. Antidepressants causes loss of function of a joint, limb or muscle, recurs in the same spot or lasts longer than 2 weeks, occurs with no known cause on the abdomen, head, or trunk, as this may signal a problem with an internal organ, loss of function of a joint, limb or muscle, an area is affected by a bruise that returns, there is no identifiable cause of the bruising. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. They can ask you questions about your conditions, medications and medical history, which helps them give you the most accurate answer and guidance. But I dont fault Kirsten S. or Shine 365. Blood disorders. The bruises are usually on my lower legs but I also get bigger bruises on my thighs. Hi there, I have a very large bruise covering my lower back. These can be signs of an infection. In about 510 days, it turns a yellow or green color. There's no external bleeding unless the skin breaks open. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. They now have where you can just make a phone call to a doctor and a lot of the times if it's just a question you don't get charged, Talk to your PC. I have noticed the dark spots on my arms and chest getting lighter just after a couple of weeks. Hi Gretchen , Did you ever get answers to your bruises? Conditions that cause bruises, with pictures. Learn about how to get. Bruises are usually red or purple discolorations right after an injury. (which is what people want, if you all haven't gotten the hint). If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you can message your doctor on My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Sometimes bruises are related to your medical conditions or medications. If so, you can message your doctor via My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, If you don't have a My Marshfield Clinic account, you can find your doctors contact information here: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/, Im not one to get random bruises. We recommend talking to your primary care doctor first so that they can learn more and since they know your medical history. Bruises heal differently for different people. Repeat this treatment twice a day for a few weeks until the purple spots on your skin clear away. I woke up with one bruises with I thought was something normal , but then i got more on my thighs.It seem like it has spread. Should I be worried about this? You may notice them on your skin or mucous membranes (e.g., inside your mouth). Any suggestions? Every day youll find helpful ideas and advice on a wide variety of health topics to help you and your family live well. -Kirstie, I am noticng dime & quarter size black & blue bruises under belly button.??? I'll contact a couple providers and see if they have any general information to provide you. It started about size and shape of an sideways almond, and now about a small egg. If you become concerned, it's important to contact your doctor. I am wondering if you may know why the whole of my left leg and foot, from hip to toes, is reddened and bruised and painful? This was done October 2019. Simple home remedies can make it heal faster or reduce the pain and discomfort associated with bruises. If so, could you please let me know if I should be concerned? It took weeks to disappear. The location, size, and cause of the hematoma will determine how to treat it. Some time back, while taking a simple walk, suddenly I had this horrid pain in my thigh. Where did the new bruises come from? Did it occur spontaneously or was it the site of trauma? A bruise that does not improve within two weeks or fails to completely clear after three or four weeks. Even if we could, we wouldn't have enough information about your medical history, current conditions or medications to do so responsibly. My mom is 65 years old an shes in a wheel chair since 1988 we was in a car accident anyways it's been about a year my mom has had these bruses they don't go away there spreading all over her body know there going on her face no 1can tell her what it is she has gone to 2 specialist an no one can tell her what it is my poor mom is starting to get depressed there big all over her body. The skin is the bodys largest and primary protective organ,covering its entire external surface andserving as a first-order physical barrieragainst the environment. They do not want to hear "see your doctor" as that is a given. Your doctor is the best resource for this question. You have systemic symptoms such as fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes or unintentional weight loss along with unexplained bruising. Hi allison did you talk to a dr. While bruises are common, its important to know your treatment options and whether your condition warrants emergency medical attention. If the abortion was planned, the question may be whether the bruising is related to any positioning she had during the procedure. Hi just wondering if you ever found out a reason. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise. Due to their extensive knowledge of your medical history and past conditions, they can best advise you about why the bruises could be appearing. I've developed bruises on both arms, both in the same place. Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? We strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. Don't even know how it happened. The Shine365 comment policy explains this: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/shine365-comment-policy/. Thanks! Thank you. The trapped blood creates a bruise that's black, purple or blue then changes color as it heals. I have a bruise in the middle (the line separating the buttocks)of my buttocks and also a small bruise reddish-like dot on my arm Please what can be the cause? We appreciate you taking the time to reach out. Someone please help!! What else could it be. It typically happens when the foot suddenly twists or rolls, forcing the ankle joint out of its normal position. According to our 2018 patient survey, " Living with Leukaemia ", frequent bruising and bleeding precedes a diagnosis of leukaemia in 24% of patients. If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you can do that quickly and securely without an appointment through My Marshfield Clinic messaging: https://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Thank you for reading Shine365. Hi I have a bruse 4 inch above the knee it's raise some times only come up in the same place .gets sore . I did then have a bruise present, under my pinky toe, on the side of my pinky toe, and the padding underneath my pinky toe. Thank you, your suggestion worked for me. Unexplained blood may appear in the urine or feces, and internal bleeding may pool in the joints, which causes pain and swelling. What is a black eye? If practical, raise the bruised area above your heart to keep blood from settling into the bruised tissue. Thank you for contacting us. For the past 2 weeks I've been waking up with black and blue marks on my leg it gets bigger each time a new one appears. Thank you. On the lower half of the front of my shin, I have a light. This is especially the case with blood thinners and corticosteroids. Hi. How to tell if it is a bruise or a blood clot, How to get rid of a bruise: Home remedies. Fell and hit my wrist a year ago swelling and the pain went away after 1 1/2 months. Elevating the bruised area has a similar effect to icing the bruise. They usually heal within 2 to 4 weeks. Next, A purple bruise can be a unsightly blemish on your skin. They know your medical history, medications and current conditions best. ", We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum and do suggest your husband ask his primary care provider about his bruising at his next regular appointment. I ask people to look but there's nothing there. Like most teens I was very active and didn't take care of myself the best. very small pinpoint at center. Unfortunately, we are limited in the medical advice we can provide on this platform and your provider can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. What could this be ? They also can appear on the lower legs. Women are also more prone to bruising. Hi i have been getting random spots on my body where I feel like its brusing up but when I look there I dont see an actual bruise I can only feel it, and it is all over my body. Due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions, they can best advise you. Other symptoms include an area of skin that feels warmer than the surrounding skin, and skin over the affected area turning pale or a reddish or bluish color. There is mention that these can be common on the neck area. Thank you for reaching out. No idea how they got there. A broken blood vessel, blood blister, or bruise. I woke up this morning with random bruises on my belly. A bruise, or contusion, is skin discoloration from a skin or tissue injury. Painless, swollen lymph nodes (especially in the neck and armpits), enlargement of the liver or spleen, red spots on the skin (petechiae), bleeding easily and bruising easily, fever or chills, and frequent infections are also possible symptoms. My suggestion would be to call your primary care provider and address your questions with him or her. While there is no need to see a doctor for a bruise, it is advisable to visit a doctor in some situations like. "Sometimes heavy periods can be a symptom of a bleeding disorder as well as unusual bruising. But, I wanted to say that I really wouldnt worry about contacting your sons doctor too often. I have a swollen lymph node on my right side. I was and am worried about cirrhosis of the liver. Multiple bruises at different stages of healing. It came on with food poisoning about five days ago. Do they just thin your blood? Not Big though,Ive had them mainly on my hands and wrist.. a few times I smacked my kid.. not that hard but thats when its happened and it happened to my fingers. Is this something random or should I be concerned? I thought it would go away naturally but they haven't, should I be worried and what might it be? These can be flat spots like purpura or they can be raised spots or bumps like angiomas or keloids. Have bruises on my back about 4 of them have low white blood cells. My back had been hurting for a few weeks before it showed up and it's been there for a while now it will lighten up for a day or two and go back to being a really dark. i do sleep on my left side but in the past few days couldn't help accidentally hitting some new (not huge) boot heels against a hard bed frame. I get perfect round bruises on my forearm inch round, but they go away in one day. Also sole of the foot and heel affected. We recommend talking to your primary care provider. We suggest you reach out to him/her regarding your bruising concerns. Good luck. We cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. As a result, a hematoma stays the same color, firmness, and causes the same level of pain even after several days. Bruising that occurs easily or for no apparent reason. Cant hurt ;> good luck. "This bruising should definitely be checked out soon, acute illnesses can trigger additional health problems. If so, your parents or guardians can help you ask your doctor about your bruise through messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. It is not "dramatic" to be concerned about your health At any time you are worried, it's important to contact a nurse line or your doctor/care team and explain your concerns. Idk if the two or related some how but this bruise on my thigh wasn't there yesterday and this morning it's awful. Urgent care may be required. Some underlying conditions may make bruising more common. Randomly last month, my pinky toe on my left foot had become numb. (My age is 49.). Hi, Sierra. 4 months later and the bruise, same shape & size, is still present. Can diet help improve depression symptoms? ", We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. I realized that every time I sat and leaned back in a hard chair, my spine all the way to my tailbone and whatever bones are in the glutes would hurt. I was diagnosed with multiple diseases and bloodcloting disorders within weeks and I didn't even realize I was sick. I wish you the best! Purpura is also known as blood spots or skim hemorrhages, and it's a series of purple-colored spots that can look similar to bruising. Bruises can occur at any age. I have had a circular purple bruise with a white center for about a week. Read full article on Christmas disease (hemophilia B). Thank you for the question, Casey. I noticed a bruise-ish brown spot in the bridge of my nose near the eyes. No pain or discomfort. Sport injuries may occur from trauma or overuse. I was just curious I have been getting these red hickey like bruises on my right breast. Have you contacted your doctor? Bruises are getting larger with time. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise." I don't know if this is a bruise or something, but it's just like a bump skin when you get bump your head into something. He/she knows your medical history and current conditions best. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. Bruises look like big purple spots with clear edges, and youre younger than 65. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I believe Im slightly anemic from what I remember. Symptoms to note: Moderate to severe pain and itching at the site of the bite is typical and usually occurs 2 to 8 hours after the spider has injected its venom. I have a big bruise on my leg cause by dropping a heavy metal pot on my leg. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can privately message your provider and ask about your back bruising via My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. My neurologist is one of only like 3 in my county and is booked out months in advance so I'd hate to waste his or my time if this is an issue he cant help. Ive had no trauma to my abdomen whatsoever. I am not a doctor or anything, but have several health issues and wanted to offer my personal opinion based on my own experiences. Mix cup of lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of honey. 6 signs unexplained bruising may be worrisome. Usually in bruises, the skin is not damaged or it will be a cut and no longer a bruise. Can you give me an answer to what is going on. They are most aware of your medical history and past conditions so they can best advise you. Source: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/bruises-article, If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you can ask your doctor about the small lump without a visit by messaging through My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Hi I'm concerned about a big bruise on my lower back it's about the size of a baseball . One near the knee, one a bit lower, but I don't recall doing anything to my leg. Bruises that develop after a cut, burn, fall, or injury are normal. Thank you for helping out, superb information. Symptoms don't seem to tally but definitely connected, hasn't happened before. Iv been experiencing red scratches (under the skin because skin is not broken) and strange THIN LONG bruses for the past year, most the time I wake up with them and their always in the same place, the upper thigh either behind or to the side, I would know whether I clunked my self as I have a very low pain threshold and simple knocks to the leg leaves me in agony and holding my self for quite a few minutes (probably a sign of Fybro) but its just so suspicious Iv even started a photo diary of them. I had stents places in both legs via both groins. Thanks. If you eat wheat, make sure the product does not contain yeastalso avoid all aged cheeses, chocolate, citric acid (it is made with aspergillus mold), cream of tartar, malted barley flourand basically any product that is fermented because fermentation causes yeast to grow rampant. My dermatologist recommended Skin lightening serum of dermalmd after a recent visit to the office. We appreciate your question. Thought My husband did it while im sleeping but he swore he didnt do ot now im very concern. Three criteria must be met to create a bruise. Thank you for reading and reaching out, Dee. In the meantime, web resources like WebMD might provide some guidance for you: https://symptoms.webmd.com/, I dont think thats stupid at all. I keep getting bruises on the inside of my arm they are surrounded by a red circle should I be worried ? Your doctor knows your medical history and current conditions best. I asked Candy about your concerns and symptoms. They are often found on the . We suggest you reach out to him/her regarding your bruising concerns. I've been also getting more bruises around the bruised that won't go away? Hi, Elizabeth. Its always better to be safe than sorry. How much does the average 11-year-old weigh? And my uper gums are swelling. Thank you. I was wondering if you could give any indication as to what the culprit may be. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide medical advice on this platform, but we strongly recommend talking to your health care provider as soon as you can. It is often related to more significant trauma. If you are not one of our patients, we do suggest you ask your doctor about these concerns at your next appointment. It's important you share this information with your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. Notify me via email when there is a reply to my comment. Thanks. Every time I check, they're there. Can you bruise a bruise, can you have a bruise then get another bruise? Bookmarked. A single puncture mark can be made by a mosquito, bed bug or tick. Hi I am a 65 years old and an alcoholic. They tend to appear so far just above the knees on each leg. I wish Doctors and Chiropractors would work as a team. Is this normal? Recently I started running/jogging and I started by jogging slowly and taking it easy. The comment section is a place to engage in conversation with fellow readers. Your thoughts please? Please contact your primary care provider for concerning bruises. -Kirstie. That are about 2 inches apart and they dont hurt when I touch them They are just there What could that mean, Hi, Faith. I am concerned and calling his Dr. first thing in the morning but was wondering if anyone knew. My name is Melody and Im 51. Im concerned about the headaches Im having that are followed by bruises. But am so concerned I've gone to the internet to get more info. Our blog is for educational purposes only and not for treatment or diagnosis. I didnt even realize when it stopped but I dont get them anymore. What could have caused it? I was bitten by a dog on the upper calf 9 days ago. We recommend reaching out your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. Have you been to see a doctor regarding yours? Im only 22. I did not hit it or have any injury What could this be? I have a bite on the back of my leg that has a small black hole the black part fills like a knot in the center and its reddish skin color around it even kinda like its a bruise with a black dot in center? I do have SKIPPED CYCLE for about 2 months yet, there's still bruises. In which ,,, my levels r tested every 3 months to make sure they don't get below the levels to where transfusion is needed. He/she knows your medical history and current conditions best both which (along with medications) can play into your symptoms. i wish us the best! His dentist told him it is possible it comes from teeth-grinding which my brother does in his sleep a lot. See your doctor. I don't have a doctor. Thank you for contacting us. I do have fair skin. For me, it is naturally on my legs and on my feet. If you havent had a recent straining event, they may indicate a more serious medical condition. As always, it is important to bring these concerns and questions to your doctor who is familiar with your medical history and current conditions. Completely clear after three or four weeks you taking the time to reach out to him/her your. Your treatment options and whether your condition warrants emergency medical attention mosquito, bed bug or tick a regarding! Variety of health topics to help you and your family live well days it. There, i have a big bruise on my Marshfield Clinic: http: //marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic doctor first so they... This bruising should definitely be checked out soon, purple bruise with white center illnesses can trigger health... 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