the tenth secret of medjugorje

We are now wondering if The Warning will still be this year (2021) or further down the road. As a month later, on the feast day of St John the Baptist, June 24, 1981, the apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje to six older child visionaries began in the Bosnia and Herzegovina region of the communist country of Yugoslavia. Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 @ 18:30., Jesus said: My people, the division in My Church will start before the Warning experience comes. Selected by the Virgin since 1982 to reveal the secrets of the world one day, Mirjana has also released rather informative interviews about them: The eighth secret is worse than the other seven. I will walk with him to Jerusalem. Vicka Ivankovic: Especially in the early years of the apparitions it was possible to understand more about the secrets during the interviews with Fr. Chastisement has been withheld and will only occur if man fails to repent and returns in large numbers back to his wicked ways after The Warning. For after that those hardened sinners and followers of Satan will deny My Existence. And when reading these various messages together, it seemed that they were presenting what would happen in the world if the conditional Great Chastisement is prevented by mankinds conversion back to God. Satans new offensive against the church will commence under the next Holy Father. Seeing the Future of Israel. The hearts of these people are so totally aligned with evil that no matter how much intervention by Heaven takes place, the hearts of these evil people will never change. The Preceding Signs To The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) 7 Days and 7 Nights The Cross of Our Savior Will Be Seen in the Sky MaryRefugeOfSouls Continue with Recommended Cookies, Exploring the ways faith effects our lives. The world will not be able to escape the invitation. The third important aspect that I admit very frankly is that I do not consider myself to be a very smart person. The secrets of Medjugorje are about to be revealed to the world, and they will change the way we see the world forever. Why does the heavenly Father want to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart? The original date for the Warning was NOT Fall 2020 it was supposed to take place at a later date I was originally told the season, so I could complete the book by then. My Heart is is the way of entering the Age of the Spirit. So, thank you for giving me an audience to write to and for with all the love of my heart. The Lord has made known to me that people who are at the refuges will be given knowledge of both the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal when they happen in the springtime after the Great Warning occurs on Earth. I love you and I bless you. The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself and his plan is this. All will enter into Eternal Rest with God.Love will reign supreme for all eternity. The Warning will happen before the mark of the beast takes place, as God will use the Warning to tell people not to take it at risk of losing their soul to hell. Israel will embrace the Catholic Church. I am concerned that many of My faithful could be deceived by a schismatic church that will be teaching heresies and New Age doctrines. P. Janko: We have already said somewhere what Ivanka had told me last year, and Marija told me the same thing this year. You have suffered much and continue to do so. It is only in this way can the conditional Great Chastisement, which is due to all of us for the collective sin of abortion, can be avoided by mankind. Based on heavenly messages that I have read, Holy Communion will be made possible by the holy angels, because just before the Abomination of Desolation takes hold of the fallen Catholic Church by the false prophet, God will send the holy angels to collect all the Holy Hosts in every Holy Tabernacle in the world, so Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Eucharist, will not be desecrated by those with evil intentions. There will be a new Springtime of the Holy Spirit in the world as people and nations will prepare their hearts and souls in Holy Love for the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Now, as I shared in December 2020, certain events transpired through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother that caused The Warning to be pushed back from happening on the 8th. I am blessed by you all. This is the longer version, which is the fully complete version of the Secret of La Salette. Yes, I have had my share of overt battles with satan, but I do not consider myself to be very experienced in such matters. He would have the shofars (type of trumpet) blown, and send the word out that the wedding was about to happen. And, in particular, Christians will not know which denomination is the True Faith. Be happy that you are not among them!, I want to say about those people who will see it and not believe, the Madonna leaves everyone free to believe or not, but those are ones whose hearts are too closed. Mirjana must follow the instructions of Our Lady given to her previously regarding the unveiling of the dates of the Ten Secrets and their contents to mankind. Yes, dear ones, this is certainly exciting times for the world these days! Look at the European leadership. Such were my feelings last night in prayer. at Medjugorje and Holy Love Ministries (Maranatha Spring and Shrine), How To Do A Ghost Release - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast, Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, International Abortion Healing Programs (47 countries), Rachel's Vineyard Healing After Abortion, Silent No More Awareness Resources for Help After Abortion (U.S.), Catholics Come Home (English main website), Catholics Come Home (English Young Adult), Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ (USA), Dolorous (Sorrowful) Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Anne Catherine Emmerich, Holy Love Ministry Heavenly Messages in 90 Languages, Love and Mystic Catalina Rivas, Madeleine Aumont of the Glorious Cross of Dozule, Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages in 90 Languages, Shepherds of Christ Ministries Portuguese, The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, World Apostolate of Precious Blood of Jesus Christ (Nigeria), Catholic Saints, Martyrs and Doctors of the Church, CatholiCity The Catholic Church Simplified, Eternal Word Television Network Document Library, St. Michael the Archangel Religious Books & Gifts, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (Dr. Scott Hahn), The Rosary Center The Rosary Confraternity, Eternal Word Television Network Mobile Streaming App, Eternal Word Television Network Radio Facebook, Eternal Word Television Network Radio Affiliates, Eternal Word Television Network SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Channel 130, Eternal Word Television Network Global Catholic Radio Shortwave, Eternal Word Television Network Nightly News Videos Online, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube English, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube German, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube Spanish, Eternal Word Television Network Global News, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, February 19, 2023 - Message from God the Father to mystic, Lorena - Spiritual Exercise and Prayers of Protection, Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria - "In the midst of famine, My Legions will bring humanity the food that satisfies hunger. In particular, the lack of faith among the popes and the bishops of the Church to believe the words of Our Lady. On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX declared the Universal Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Recently, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, revealed to Prophet John Leary (, that the apostasy of the Catholic Church starts before the Great Warning happens. Although I had not discerned every one of the previous messages before, after a few months of testing the spirits, I decided to feature them on the blog, because they were proving to be so helpful with the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign and November Election. Again, I do not know the sequence of the Apocalypse found in Sacred Scriptures. The Firstfruits will have prepared the way for the masses of people, by lighting the way, as they will already be spiritually in the Sixth Chamber. In conclusion, I want to share in this commentary for those who do not already follow the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, that the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will be taking place very shortly in the world. I could see clues and inconsistencies in the heavenly messages that I do believe inprimarily, Locutions To The World and the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), but I needed more Light, because I was spiritual blind to something that I just could not put my finger on. Blessed Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus were both very sad when they were telling me this. As I indicated, the prayer efforts from last year enabled me to write the Appeal to Pope Francis, which I believe will be instrumental in saving his soul and helping the Blessed Mother in furthering Her Peace Plans among Her children. What does this mean? My Sons arm, which I will not be able to hold back anymore, will punish this poor world, which must expiate its crimes, Excerpt: The Chastisement Announced At La Salette, It is time; the sun is darkening; only faith will survive., Now is the time; the abyss is opening. Today, at Holy Love Ministries (, God the Father said the following words: I invite all mankind to repose in My Heart where true peace abides. When people started praying for me, I witnessed immediately the effects in my life, and truly, I have been so grateful and thankful to everyone ever since. However, it is only considered the Greatest Act of Divine Mercy, because people will be experiencing hell and by the grace of God, they will be returning back to earth having a second chance to change their earthly lives and converting back to God before their eternal fate is sealed forever upon physical death. Instead of becoming bitter and resentful, you continue to follow your Jesus and see the best in everyone. They took place during short wakeful periods at night, because, during the rest of the time, I was working full-time during the day and when I had to sleep I was battling satan in demonic nightmares. It is about the cover-up on the Third Secret of Fatima and the need for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The favorite action of the devil is temptation. My Father has given permission to herald My Second Coming within a very short period of time on Earth. Then during the 3 Days of Darkness, hell will be fully locked up until the end of time, after the 1,000 years of the Era of Peace has concluded with one last battle between Good and evil at the very end before the General Resurrection., Excerpt August 16, 2015 Adoration Chapel, My little lamb, I desire the messages remain for public viewing. And by the Consecration of Russia, it will start a series of good events to unfold on Earth, such as the uprising of the Russian people for true democracy and the desire to reconcile the Orthodox Church with Rome, the USA returning to its Christian roots and being saved from the reign of the antichrist, the joining together of the USA and Russia against the threat of communist China and the antichrist reigning in the European Union, the USA being a sanctuary (safe haven) for all the Christians fleeing the clutches of China and the antichrist, etc. Therefore, it is important that mankind knows Me as a loving Father.. Those poor souls, who will remain in My Church when it has been seized by the new doctrine, will not know where to turn. Thus, I knew that writing my Appeal to Pope Francis had pleased God and I knew that the special prayer efforts that previous weekend at Holy Love had protected me from satan so I could do this work on behalf of Heaven. February 9, 2011 The Children of the Renewal messages were the answer to my question that I was asking God in my heart. The light will not be lessened or covered over by divisions of the Churches or divisions between the Churches and Israel. ), Miraculous Photos Of Jesus And Mary And The Holy Family, Miraculous Photos of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, at Holy Love Ministries, Free Offer Rosary Of The Unborn Finger Card, The Spiritual Journey Through The Sacred Chambers Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary, Holy Love And Divine Love Free Booklets, Holy Love Nightly Self Examination Of Conscience, The Chaplet Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary, Daily Prayers Of The Children Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary Holy Love Ministry, Heavenly Guidance For Priests Holy Love Messages, For The Church, All Nations, All Families, All Individuals Consecration Of The Heart Of The World To The United Hearts Of The Most Holy Trinity In Union With The Immaculate Heart Of Mary, The Goal Of All Humanity Unitive Love And The Sixth Chamber Messages, St. Joseph Vestibule Of Grace Messages, The Apocalypse Antichrist Mark Of The Beast Three Days Of Darkness Holy Love Messages, 2015 Special Locutions Terrorism Is Irrational Locutions To The World, The Year 2015 Prophecies Locutions To The World, 2014 Special Locutions Locutions To The World, 2014 Review (Summary Of Messages) Locutions To The World, Failed Prophecy Economic Collapse Believing In Locutions To The World By A Soul, Marys Pope Three Significant Prophecies, Mary Woman Clothed With The Sun Locutions Messages, Locutions Important Teachings Messages, Is There A God? Sacred Scripture is filled with many examples after examples of warnings by the prophets for the people before any chastisements. Once the words of Consecration are changed from what I gave My apostles, then I will no longer be Present in that Host and Wine. Let us begin. . So, what the Great Chastisement consists of is not totally unknown to mankind. In conclusion, I want to say that as true Christians, in the end, it should not matter what the order of future events ends up being, because we should be prepared for the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, every moment of our lives. Again, please do not think that you will miss out on these two very important aspects of the Divine Plan if you are living at a refuge when they start to happen on Earth. And so, I want to take a moment to thank with much heartfelt love my circle of dearest friends whom I have freely shared my inspirations, as without their support, this spiritual writing would be incomprehensible and underdeveloped in thought. They need your prayers. As the persecution of My faithful endangers your lives, then I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges that will be protected by My angels of the refuges. I do not know what to expect this year, but I do anticipate that there will be a great outpouring of grace from God the Father for all His children. Finally, in concluding thoughts, I want to say that the fact that the First Secret of Medjugorje somehow involves the church at Medjugorje is not surprising to me, as in the past, Mirjana, has described the world as being desolate at the time of the First Secret as. And, almost in tears, she said: I would have died if she had shown it to me! . It also sets the stage for the immediate unveiling of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorjethe conditional Great Chastisement of Godthe Three Days of Darknessthe gates of hell fully open on earth due to our collective sins, especially, the killing of the unborn babies; 2) The Great Miracle of Garabandal will bring immediate clarity and sharpness to Heavens Peace Plan. The Intervention by Me will change the world forever. One of the Two Witnesses of Revelation is the prophesied Catholic priest-son (holy father) who will die as a martyr according to the Third Secret of Fatima. Moreover, preparation involves purifying oneself of sin by striving for greater holiness and deeper friendship in God. Do not delay as you may only have twenty minutes to depart your homes. Do your small but important part and I will do the rest.. And in heavenly messages, Our Holy Mother has said that even at the moment of Her Immaculate Conception, She loved God more than all the holy angels and saints combined. Vicka talks about her experiences in the book "Thousand Encounters with the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje (1985)". The world will experience a powerful call to come out of darkness. On that day, entrusting to her the tenth secret, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her life she would have one yearly apparition, on March 18th.Since August 2nd, 1987, on each second day of the month, she hears interiorly Our Lady's voice and prays with her for unbelievers. Next I see that in the dark vacuum created in the wake of Jesus expulsion from the tabernacle, the anti-Christ rises and is welcomed. I pray to God that everyone who follows this blog are blessed in many and countless ways, especially, with the gift of true love, hope, and joy, as well as peace within their families and communities. Reject the lies to which you have paid allegiance, or suffer the consequences. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Open their hearts to accept salvation and to receive an abundance of graces. Furthermore, at the conclusion of WWII, Russia emerged as a superpower in the world, as mankind awakened to a new reality of nuclear weapons and a Cold War fear of usage of such horrible weapons between political state foes. The reason I bring up the existence of both versions of the Secret of La Salette, is because many people want to discount the full version of the Secret as being an embellishment of Melanies imagination and have tried to discredit Melanies reputation because the longer version seems too sensational. While this suffering will be hard to endure, have no fear, children, for it will be short. The only reason that I had the the date of December 8th told to me by Jesus is because satan was moving his evil agenda forward in time and so, I had to finish the book a lot sooner than first anticipated. At Garabandal, these are called the Warning, the Miracle, and the Chastisement. Thank you for your sincere prayers for me and the success of this blog. Do not fear any portion of the future. As I indicated, the prayer efforts from last year enabled me to write the Appeal to Pope Francis, which I believe will be instrumental in saving his soul and helping the Blessed Mother in furthering Her Peace Plans among Her children. However, the rest of mankind who chooses to serve and obey the Lord will partake of this glory, too, at the First Resurrection / Second Coming of Jesus. RE:Preparation for The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) Wrath of God Instructions for Children Seven (7) Years Old and Younger MaryRefugeOfSouls Now, what is important to understand is that the Blessed Virgin Mary is Above All creatures, Above All the rest of mankind and even the angels. She claims to have had regular apparitions until May 7, 1985, and that since then the apparitions occur only once a year. She is married to Rajko Elez with whom she has three children. Then he will step in and create a false peace in the state of Israel by joining them with Palestine in an unlikely alliance. Michel Rodrigue The Time of the Refuges,, etc. After 36 years Approval of Medjugorje has arrived God is good., Medjugorje: Too many burglaries Consecrated hosts being stolen from Medjugorje Archbishop Hoser again mandates take communion in mouth onlyPeople believe hosts from Medjugorje are the most Powerful, sell them for $500.00, Little known story When Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, met St. Peter in Heaven. This is precisely the heightened euphoria, elation and bliss the 144,000 Firstfruits will experience in their Warning (Illumination of Conscience) encounter with Our Lord. Their protection drops away from them. Also, according to Sacred Scriptures, the Ark of the Covenant will resurface during the End Times. The continuing freedom of my country and the entire world is at stake in the outcome of this election. Today we talk about the last secret, the tenth The 10th can not be reduced under any circumstances., Putin: Russians will go to heaven in event of nuclear war, Medjugorje: The Power of Number 7 and Freeing Souls from Purgatory Particularly Those Who Have Been in Purgatory a Long Time, New message given last night, January 21, 2021, by the Queen of Peace to the visionary Ivan Dragicevic. Note, I am not a biblical scholar, so I am not going to try to interpret the Book of Revelation to you. I understood from St. Gabriel that only the substance of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje (Great Chastisement of Garabandal) could be revealed by all the visionaries and not the actual date of the Great Chastisement. Reading the links and references for my commentaries are (I think) helpful for people so they can get information that they might have missed from the past. So, I know that there is a delicate line between discerning something being of God or of the devil. Oh, beloved blog followers of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, how I tenderly love you all! You will know my promise and see its fulfillment. The second space shall be Children of the Renewal. This will be true wealth, the spiritual wealth of all the Churches gathering as one in Jerusalem with Israel and the Catholic Church. I simply directed that you contact (name withheld) and that she would know what to do.. Because the time is short. I am as close as your next thought of Me. However, what St. Gabriel revealed to me in January completely flips this conventional thinking on its head. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. I dreamt, I dont remember where it was, but I began to hear the voice of Our Lady. Some people have questioned me as to why the heavenly messages, such as those at Holy Love Ministries (, have focused so much on the U.S. presidential election and not the forthcoming Warning, etc. Caught on Video Three Spectacular Miracle of the Sun at Medjugorje and Holy Love Ministries (Maranatha Spring and Shrine), Information and Instructions - How To Do A Ghost Release - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Are you looking for deeper intimacy with God, divine healing, and inner peace? Many people believe this falsity, because they are trying to reconcile Marian apparitions at Garabandal with Medjugorje, and so, because the first three Secrets of Medjugorje are known to be warnings for the world, they conclude that the First Secret of Medjugorje is the same as the Warning of Garabandal. Jakov olo. It will be a time of great jubilation for all those who love God. You will continue to allow these to be on a site that is accessible to all of My children throughout the world. Finally, the marriage banquet, also called the wedding feast or marriage festival, would be celebrated between the new couple with all their family and friends. I know that they love the Lord so they are doing this out of charity, but I would like to compensate them for their time and effort; And three, I need funds to have this third volume physically bound as a book and mailed to certain trusted people at refuges, so it can be multiplied in the future along with the first two volumes by God through prayer. Block your ears. They said, We come to give you a message and to tell you that soon God will be giving a Sign to the whole world., Blessed Mother said, This is the first Sign that we foretold in Medjugorje, for the whole world to see, and no one can deny it and say that it is not from God. Although Pope Pius IX did not declare the Universal Dogma of the Immaculate Conception until 1854, Heaven gave its approval ahead of this declaration in 1830 with the apparitions of Our Holy Mother to St Catherine Labour for the Miraculous Medal. I know that this is hard to accept, but Papa God really does need everyone to sacrifice like they have been doing these past few months since the Warning was announced to be happening this Fall Season 2020. Our Lady has also stated in the Locutions, that the tragedy of the annihilation of nations, is that such a world war catches the lives of so many people off-guard without adequate preparation for the moment of death and final reconciliation with God. This election time of Great jubilation for all eternity contact ( name withheld ) and that would... Jesus were both very sad when they were telling me this Intervention by me will change the we! Scripture is filled with many examples after examples of warnings by the prophets for the before. 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